Our Lady of the Assumption
Diocese of Fall River
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministry is indeed a vital part of our family of faith!
Check out the eight o'clock Mass any day of the week. Chances are you'll hear the celebrant pronounce these words, "Go in our name and with our blessing and the Lord be with you on your way." It is a blessing on a group of Extraordinary ministers as they leave church, carrying the Body of Christ to ill and homebound parishioners. Currently, more than thirty men and women perform this work of mercy each week.
Also serving our Faith Community are many Extraordinary ministers who assist the priest with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass.
A glance at our parish directory tells us that the role of Extraordinary minister was defined by Vatican II and has evolved in the past four decades into one of the most meaningful roles in church life, The directory goes on to note: "What greater calling than to participate with the priest in the sharing of the Body and Blood of Christ with the congregation--the family--of the parish."
While many of those receiving Communion have been bedridden for a long time, others are recovering from surgery or short term illness. Recently, a young mother, just home from giving birth, requested Holy Communion. Another important part of this ministry involves visiting nursing homes and extended care facilities on a regular basis. These visits often include a prayer service led by the minister. Anyone who would like to have a visit from an EM or consider joining this ministry may call the parish office.
Whether it's the weekly bulletin, ashes on Ash Wednesday, a Christmas pointsettia or a visit from an EM, carrying Holy Communion to their door, our ill and homebound parishioners know they are part of the family.
They love to know they are remembered. They are!
Consider serving at Mass or to the Sick or Homebound:
At Mass: During the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the second part of the Mass, the Eucharistic Ministers assist the priests and deacons with the distribution of Holy Communion under both species. Schedules of service are provided that are sensitive to the needs of all participants.
To the Sick: These Ministers serve the needs of those who are prevented by some medical condition from attending Mass and receiving Communion. Ministers are trained and provided material appropriate to the needs of the communicant, and bring the host and the prayers of the Parish family on each visit. In addition, several of our ministers routinely visit nursing homes or extended care facilities in the area, where they bring Communion and offer prayer services.